Sunday, October 10, 2004

First Times for Everything

So last night was full of firsts. Maybe not as many as I would like, but enough I suppose. First off, I'll set the scene.

Shannon held a Thankgiving Appreciation dinner at Mr. Fleming's house. Lots of food. Lots of booze. 24 bottles of red wine to be exact. And then some. I was to work at 10pm @ The Wave. I planned on getting drunk fast and (somewhat) sobering up by work time. I got really excited and didn't want to have to go to work anymore. And this started out my night of firsts:

  • It was the first time I had ever called in "sick" to work and lied about it. And not only lied, but my first time calling in sick to get drunk. Thanks goes to peer pressure and Colin's cell.
  • It was my first time enjoying the taste of red wine. I drink white, but haven't mustered up my tastebuds to accept the beauty that is red wine, until last night. Thanks Fleming for the homebrew.
  • It was the first time I bought something at Value Village and actually thought it was tacky, and then all my friends liking it. Usually it's the other way around. But the purple squared dress I bought (intended for tackiness) turned out to be a hit! Thanks to all who made me feel like I had style.
  • It was my first time barging into another party and being the ONLY drunk person there. Talk about awkward. And there was even a baby there. It's hard acting sober when you're the furthest thing from it. Thanks Special Old whiskey.
  • It was my first time spraining my ankle! Jesus I couldn't believe that happened. Who knew my Wal-mart sandals would cause so much pain. I playfully jumped off the second step of Dave's porch and BAM! Over I went on my ankle. I am convinced I would have sprained it even if I was sober. Thanks to Jenn who massaged my ankle to walking/dancing ability. And Thanks again to Special Old and red wine for numbing the pain until this morning.
  • First time ever dancing to a band called "Cameltoe." Just Thanks.
  • Finally, it was my first time seeing a fight outside of Myron's in real life. Wow I hate violence. I never knew how much I did until I saw the real thing. It was a white guy and a black guy fighting. Then a black girl joined in some kicking. I felt like I was in West Side Story. I believe the fight was followed with an Ashley rant venting my hatred of violence and how people can be so effing stupid. Thanks to Matt G. for the street meat as we watched.
So that was my night in a nutshell. I had a great time, despite the ankle ordeal. And a big thanks to our hostess with the mostess, Ms. Shannon Comeau. Who called me mature and thanked me for being an adult. I almost laughed. She did laugh. Good times.


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