Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Procrastination is the Devil

How many times I have I said that before. It will be the end of me. Each school year that goes by I say to myself, "OK Ash, this is a new year, start it off right, get things done ahead of time so there is no panic." And what do I do? Save it for the last fucking minute possible.

I have a Shakespeare essay due tomorrow, comparing "The Winter's Tale" and "Othello." I've had a-many weeks to do this. And I begin last night. Oddly though it doesn't stress me out as much as it should. Or maybe it is because I know I'm going to get it done no matter what. I always do. Maybe that's why I haven't changed my ways. I'm just too good at procrastinating. It's worked in the past so why change it right? It only makes me wonder though how much better my grades would be if I started writing/studying so much earlier. I know my grades would be awesome. I've proved it with a couple of the classes that I've actually enjoyed.

So it's 8:30pm and I have half my essay done. The other half will be a breeze. Then comes the typing. Which usually takes a couple hours because that's when I get the most critical of my writing. What ever is written on my rough draft never ends up on the typed good copy. The idea remains, but the words never do.


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