3 Rye and Gingers and a Microphone

You may notice from the picture above, that my birthday evening started on a good foot. I hadn't even left my house and my eyes were already near closed. You can tell Janette is feeling good from her left lazy eye and Robyn as well with her red face. Sheena on the other hand was sober, so she looks normal....except for that Adam's apple thing happening on her throat.
The night truely started for me after our curling game. Devin, Robyn, Breck and I were in the Curl for Cancer tournament. And by curling "tradition" the winning team buys the losing team drinks. Being the great curlers we are, we lost (which is what we were hoping for) and the ever-so-nice team that we played bought us drinks. 3 rye and gingers later, Ashley thinks it's a good time to leave as she doesn't get too drunk before the actually party.
At the Dunsford residence is where the party continued and friends cam and joined the fun. Then we all got shipped off to Brown's Court, where Brent, Matty, and Tyler were having a par-tay. Ofcourse I had to run over to the Wave and get my brithday drink and meet Karen. Karen bought me a Jager shot, and I had a mystery shot on the house. This is where things get fuzzy. But all in all I had a great night. No sprained ankles so I'm happy.

party! party! party! party! party! party! party! party! party! party!
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