Thursday, March 03, 2005

All of the Sudden, There Shined a Shiny Demon

Five weeks left. The countdown begins. I realized that after today I only have one biochemistry lab left. One. However I also have one history paper, one 15 page dietary assessment, one mid-term, and one take-home exam left. Still quite a bit of work to do in 5 weeks. Eeeyikes. I also have the mythical last-semester-of-my-undergrad-degree-anti-drive. In other words, I have absolutely no desire to complete any of this said work. I mean, I've had these ruts before, say in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of university, but nothing ever this bad. Not even close. I don't understand how it completely turned around from last semester. Last semester I am sure was one of my most productive and school driven semester. Then came January. Meh.

As for last night, I got to partake in Wave trivia for the first time in a long time. And by partake I mean got drunk. I didn't quite get there till 11 so I missed most of the actual trivia part. Not that I would have been able to correctly answer any questions unless they were questions about animal's body parts. Regardless, Alexander Keith and I had a great time. I didn't take my slimey little hands off of him all night. Oh and Joey Kitson was there. Mmmm Joey. I have never seen such pure concentration as he had while trying to sing "The Rattlin Bog." He just closed his eyes and went to a special place. It was magical. By the way Joey, you really should learn the words to "Blister in the Sun." Not impressed.


Blogger Janette said...

Joey Kitson's Rattlin' Bog.


Worm Worm
Bird Bird
Egg Egg
Bird Bird
Limb Limb
Branch Branch
Tree Tree
Hole Hole
Bog Bog


12:09 a.m.  
Blogger David Fleming said...

You'd think after X years of doing this, he'd know the words. I mean, you should not have to consult a sheet to know how to sing "Brown-Eyed Girl".

Kitson, you may have won that round, but I'll return.

2:41 p.m.  

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