Sunday, January 23, 2005

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

Does anyone know why my MSN Messenger isn't working? Mr. Gates, this is not a nice thing to do to a girl on a storm day. Not nice at all.

The storm hasn't even begun, yet half the Island is closed down already. So even though I am fully capable of leaving the house and going anywhere, Paul Allan and his Magic 93 Storm Watch has made me feel like I am stuck within the walls of my house for the next two days. All I have to say is that this storm better be all it's being cracked up to be. Nothing is worse than having the storm hype actually bigger than the storm.

I am prepared for the next two days and have activities lined up for myself. I have a puzzle that is dying to be made, and a book that is dying to be finished. Oh yeah, and school work that I suppose I should look at. So if anyone likes making puzzles I suggest you get over here quick. I figure I should venture out into the storm at some point too. Make a fort. Climb some trees. Throw snowballs at Claire Jenkins as he plows our street.

Yep. Still no MSN. So....what's your favorite color? Yeah that is a good color, but me, I prefer green and orange. I still haven't been able to pick one over the other. This has been going on for years. Sometimes I think I like orange more than green, and sometimes I think I like green more than orange, but it always comes back to a tie. Maybe it's time I just combine the two. My favorite color is grorange.

Hmm what other pointless things could I talk about? Isn't it funny when you're in the state of almost sleeping but you're still kind of awake, and you're dreaming and then something funny happens in your dream and you laugh out loud (LOL for those who may not understand) and then wake yourself up? I do that so many times. It's even happened in class. Talk about embarassing. It makes you look like a goofball but it probably makes you look worse when you start to laugh at the fact that you laughed outloud in your sleep. Then everyone just thinks you're crazy. Kind of like when you fall or trip when walking by yourself. And then laugh at yourself. Once I tripped over a curb at a busy intersection in town and actually fell on my ass. I started laughing hysterically to myself and as I got up I walked into a tree. It hurt but it was so funny. I really hope someone saw it and laughed and maybe brightened up their day, because it sure brightened up mine.

Well I could ramble on for hours about things, but maybe I'll start my puzzle. Or my book. Either way, humor me and tell me your favorite color will ya?


Blogger Jason said...

Hey Ash. I've tried my best to go outside as much as I could. I have a thing with cabin fever. So determined was I that I made my way to Baba's for trivia. It was great. Snow storms are great for adventures like that.

Favorite colur is dark blue

9:10 p.m.  

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