Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Bill, This is ALL Your Fault

RAAAWWRR! I hate stupid fucking computers! They are the downfall to society. Right here. This moronic idiot box. Sitting in front of me and that I've been staring at all day. I finally finished my 9 page paper on Barn Swallows and now it won't print. All I want is for it to print. That's it! Why is it no longer acceptable to pass in assignments in clearly printed hand writing? What is so wrong with that? That's how everyone did it up till the mid-90's. I want to go back to those days. Maybe even the cave man days. Where they passed their assignments in on chisled slate. Yeah...those were the days.


Blogger Dancerboy said...

I agree!

I am not very good with computers AT ALL! Often I am afraid that things will not print, or worse, will erase. That almost happened to me the other night with my final 12 page paper. It did not save. Luckily I had copied it and could paste it in a new doc. Why oh why are comps so damn important?

9:06 p.m.  

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