I'm Crazy For This Little Lady

You know Nature, it's not very pleasant biking to work in the rain and wind. It's not even very nice biking when there are puddles on the ground. If you are going to punish us with the snow and ice we will be recieving within the next few months, may I suggest offering us some sunshine until then. Is it really that much to ask?
In other news, after owning my bike for many years, I've finally found a name for it. The Ladybug Express. Why you wonder? Well everyday at work I lock my bike at the front steps for the day. When I unlock my bike after work there are always 3-4 lady bugs sitting on the rack at the back of my bike. I take them for the ride home and by morning they have fluttered away. Then the next day there are new ones. I wonder if I am some kind of underground railroad for ladybugs. Maybe I'm taking them closer to thier ultimate destination. Where ever that is.
Also if you are ever walking up Prince Street, you should look at the sidewalk as you walk. I noticed there were copius amounts of dead, squashed ladybugs. And even a lot of them still alive walking on the ground. Downtown seems like an odd place to be a ladybug. I've really only noticed it this year. Usually they are frequent at the beach or in fields.
Oh well. I don't mind all these ladybugs. They are the only insect I will allow to crawl on me. And just to think that they are related to June Bugs.
they're related to june bugs??
most ladybugs are actually ladymen.
I could not think of a more perfect name for your bicyle. Matches you to a T!
I've seen a huge amount of them while walking about for the past week or so as well. The bio geek in me is rushing to my biology text to look up their morphology and life cycle. If it's something extraordinary, I'll be back.
pee ess...bring your roomie to the party saturday, i want to finally present you both with your housewarming gift!!
Ashley, did you take the pictures of the ladybug and the toast with the square of butter? They are really great pictures.
Scott Montgomery
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