Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hitting on the Moon Shine

I never was, nor am, a napper. Even as a kid when nap time was as much as a part of your day as play time, I would usually just lay in my bed and think kid thoughts, or just look out the window like a housecat. I just can't justify sleeping during daylight hours. They just seem so few and far between. Hell, I can't even justify sleeping through the night time on most occasions. I like my sleep, but I don't love it. Well, I love it on those mornings where I know I have to get up early. 8:30am classes used to be a bitch. Those were the times I truely loved sleeping. Especially on those warm, sunny mornings in early Fall. The sun breaking through my windows, my prisms bouncing tiny rainbows against my walls...that was pure rest. I guess even then it wasn't sleep. It's closing your eyes and simulating sleeping. I mean you never know you are sleeping, because well, you're sleeping. You are basically unconscious. It's the before and after feeling that really gets to you.

Out of pure exhaustion tonight, I had a nap. I actually made an effort to nap. None of this fall-asleep-on-couch-watching-TV business, I mean a put-on-PJ's-and-crawl-into-my-bed -and- set-my- biological-alarm-clock kind of nap. Mind you this was at 9pm and I knew damn well I was not going to sleep the whole night through, so I set my body to wake me up at 11pm. And by-frig boys, what time was it when I awoke from my slumber? EXACTLY 11pm. I amaze myself sometimes at the accuracy I can wake myself up without the use of the alarm clock. I do use it as a back-up though when I need to get up early. But usually I will wake up minutes before the hideously annoying sound begins and can avoid the whole shock of waking up the worst sound on Earth. I mean really, that is not pleasant. Having that sound as the VERY first thing you hear in the morning is bound to roll you off the wrong side of the bed. I even prefer the crows.

Despite my rage for the alarm clock sound, I do put myself through a torturous ritual most mornings with the evil, yet beautiful, Snooze Button. My Snooze Button allows for 9 minutes of undisturbed rest before the sound starts again. This usually lets me fall into a fast and light sleep for 8 of those minutes and depending on the lightness of the sleep I can hit the that Snooze button again at the speed of light. Barely letting a peep out. And back I go for another 8 minute doze. I like to set my alarm a good half hour (sometimes an hour) before I really should get up, just so I can bond with the Snooze button. It prepares me for the getting out of the covers part. Just as long as that sound isn't the first thing I hear in the morning.

Sleep and I truely have a love/hate relationship. I love staying up late, I love getting up early, I hate getting up early, I hate the amount of time it takes me to fall asleep. But I guess I need it, and sometimes I just need a good crash, like tonight. Now it's 2am and I may be ready to attempt sleep again. See ya morning Snooze.


Blogger Tay said...

Oh, darlin, do I ever relate! If I knew I could function, I would just never sleep at all. That doesn't mean that I don't love sleeping, I just like being awake more.

12:48 p.m.  
Blogger Ash D said...

I didn't even notice I posted that twice. So your comment really confused me for a few minutes. I figured it was some sort of Rodney trick.

OH and here's a St.Patrick's day type joke for you the answer if you know it...

What do you call a woman with no arms and no legs sitting on the deck?

12:49 p.m.  
Blogger Nancy said...

patty o'rocker?

1:35 p.m.  
Blogger - said...

I too have a love hate relationship with sleep. Always have. I have a very difficult time napping in the day, but when necessary, am most certainly able to do it.

I have not slept as good as I have in the last two weeks. Two gold stars for me!

11:37 p.m.  
Blogger Ash D said...

Your close Nance....

Patty O'Furniture!!!

Hahaha! I love those jokes.

2:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just for you ash!


12:04 a.m.  

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