Uh Oh, Happy Learned How to Putt

As promised, I told Devin I would make a golf blog for him by 7pm. Done and done.
Robyn, Myself, Michelle, and Devin went golfing today. In that order too. We trucked out to Belfast Highland Greens for our first 9 holes of the season. And 9 holes is all we ever do. Robyn, Dev, and I have been golfing Belfast for the past 6 years. Have any of us improved the slightest? No. Maybe Devin a little. The world will be ending the day Robyn or I get single digit strokes on the first hole. It's always the three of us, as well as a guest for our fourth. Never seems to be the same person, but always a friend. If you're interested in being a fourth, let me know. It's pure entertainment.
We know the course inside and out. Literally. The amount of times we've searched the woods for our golfballs is countless. The goal for our games is never par. It's to make it to the end without losing one ball. Haha. Still waiting on that one. But another reason (and most important) why we love golfing so much is that we know we're going out to eat at the end. And by the time we finish up the 8th hole, our stomachs are growling! The anticipation killing us! If you know where Belfast greens are, then you know there is a restarant across the street. Since we've been golfing there, it has went through 5 different names. Each summer we await to see if it has changed. Firstly, The Selkirk Lobster Supper, Nana's, The Polly Lounge and Restaurant, The Nautical Winds, and finally, Christina's Country Cupboard. Christina's on her 2nd year in a row. Congrats. Today we broke the cycle though. We went to Gillis' Drive-In restaurant in Montague. So cheap. So good. And you don't even have to get out of the car.
So, again, since I have a new camera, I will be displaying another photo montage. Like Toad says in MarioKart 64...Here we GooOOoo!

I'll play fourth at some point!
Bon, c'est tres bon. That blog needs to be bookmarked. Just too good, it's like pooshat.
Why does my head look so much bigger than yours? Such a mystery.
Well, i'm still full from lunch, since I think I broke the gillis' record for most eaten in one sitting. I'm off to sleep it off now and get fat.
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