Going Toe to Toe With an Enchantress
In the words of Dr. Dan Ryan from the statistics department at UPEI, "FANTASTIC!" It all started with getting ID'ed at the Stratford Liquor Store. I never get Id'ed there. But I did have Anne of G.G pigtails in so I knew I looked about 17. But not only did they ID me, she looked at me and my lisence closely, THEN asked me my birthday. "October 24 1983 bitches!" I said. Minus the bitches. I felt illegal. I think it was the pigtails. So Friday evening I attended the Carmen Townsend/ Tom Fun Orchestra/ Slowcoaster show at Myron's. Holy hell was it wicked! Dave and I sprinted in the rain to make sure not miss out on the FUN. The Fun of Tom. His middle name is So.
Just in time, we hit the dance floor immediately. And for serious, we didn't stop. It was just a wild and wacky dancapalooza. Tom Fun had 9 members on stage, and Carmen would pop over once and a while to join in. Instruments everywhere. Nerdy violin players. Tambourine a-shakin. Awesome Alicia Penny. Oh the beauty of so many instruments playing together at once. Then Slowcoaster played, and the night of music was complete. Complete now that I have a Slowcoaster drum stick. Complete knowing that you can, indeed, hotbox a motorcycle helmet. Ha.
As for Myron's, I am sad for its current state. Because it truely is a great venue for music and entertainment. It proved itself well during the ECMA's for the 72-hour Jam, and they play host to great musical events such as this. But only once in a while do they occur. Myron's needs to revamp. Get a facelift. Get a new vibe going. It is a terrible waste of great space in our city's core.
As for this week, D. Dubs and I have tickets for the Barenaked Ladies concert which should be fun. Last time I saw them I was in grade 4 and they yet written that god damn chimpanzee song. Hopefully they have forgotten how to play that one. Either way, I will have my box of KD and dijon ketchup ready to go.
OH and our first celebrity stayed at the hotel this week. Gord Downy and his fam! Wagga!
Just in time, we hit the dance floor immediately. And for serious, we didn't stop. It was just a wild and wacky dancapalooza. Tom Fun had 9 members on stage, and Carmen would pop over once and a while to join in. Instruments everywhere. Nerdy violin players. Tambourine a-shakin. Awesome Alicia Penny. Oh the beauty of so many instruments playing together at once. Then Slowcoaster played, and the night of music was complete. Complete now that I have a Slowcoaster drum stick. Complete knowing that you can, indeed, hotbox a motorcycle helmet. Ha.
As for Myron's, I am sad for its current state. Because it truely is a great venue for music and entertainment. It proved itself well during the ECMA's for the 72-hour Jam, and they play host to great musical events such as this. But only once in a while do they occur. Myron's needs to revamp. Get a facelift. Get a new vibe going. It is a terrible waste of great space in our city's core.
As for this week, D. Dubs and I have tickets for the Barenaked Ladies concert which should be fun. Last time I saw them I was in grade 4 and they yet written that god damn chimpanzee song. Hopefully they have forgotten how to play that one. Either way, I will have my box of KD and dijon ketchup ready to go.
OH and our first celebrity stayed at the hotel this week. Gord Downy and his fam! Wagga!
You weren't writing super pop on your lap top... you were writing your blog! S!
I love motorcycle helmets.
This is awe-some.
This is awe-some.
Perhaps we should pool our resources and take over Myrons. Big City and Joel Plaskett rotating weekends, and maybe some paisley for the interior. You never know.
hehe. lastnight I just met one of the dudes from the TF Orchestra. He's doing an MA in English this year at Western. Studying Ulysses.
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