Melk and Pellows

Milk, milk. You really do do the body good. Nothing quenches my thirst more than a big glass of cold milk. Preferably, I go for the ADL light blue carton. The 1%. I find it tastes the same as 2%, so I may as well opt for the one with the less fat. Indeed, I will never turn down a glass of 2%. Even if Homo milk is the only option, I'll drink that. But that's pushing it.
Of all the different brands of milk from different provinces I've tried, ADL certainly has the best taste of them all. Baxter, Farmer's, bah...Purity is the runner up. Oh and UGH! Have you ever tried triple milk? I may be insulting you if you grew up or still drink triple milk, but triple milk is the NASTIEST tasting shit out there! It's like a carton of cream and you add 3 cups of water to it or something. Nothing tastes worst. Well maybe somethings...
Now for chocolate milk. I always liked chocolate milk but was never one of those kids who needed the chocolate in order to enjoy the milk. I used it at my own discretion. Same with the strawberry flavor. My preference for chocolate milk goes the same for my white milk. I like the 1% better. But what is different with the 1 and 2% chocolate milks is that the 2% is so much more chocolatey. Too much chocolate if you ask me. So I always go for the 1% for C-milk too. It tends to go easy on the chocolate, but even still I like it more diluted with white milk. Even a glass of white milk with just a capful of chocolate milk mixed in for a slight, slight taste of sugar is something you'll find often on my table. Same goes for the chocolate sauce. Just a little please.
Now some people, I notice, will only drink milk with certain things, or not at all. Milk is not like wine. It does go with everything. And it's good for you! I think I need to thank milk and my ginormous intake for the reason why I have never broken a bone in my body (there have been moments where I should have) and why I did not recieve my first cavity until age 19. So thanks cows, for keeping me cast-free and void of metal-mouth. Oh, and thank you for being there on those morning afters. You know, the ones where I've drank too much the night before? Yeah, you've neutralized my stomach lining more times than I can remember. Literally.
So if you can, drink your milk, love your milk, appreciate your Island dairy, and as cheesy as they are listen to those Got Milk? ads, and those Joanne and Hal tips, and those lame-ass commercials with fat men rapping about milk. It does the body good.
And tomorrow...the rodeo!
fucking melk and I sit here this morning and eat my granola and milk, I realize how much I miss my ADL. I'm stuck with Lucerne which is a close runner up I suppose but it ain't no ADL. Drink as much as it as you can before you leave, because there will be a day when you are travelling and you go to look for the ADL Milk or cheese and it's a heartbreaker when you realize, it's not there.
Drinking milk in general is gross, brand names aside.
And yes, sometimes homo is the only option.
Wine DOES go with everything, just so you know.
I miss the ADL too, I'm stuck with Beatrice, "the one that stays fresh longer". eep.
I'm behind in comments, of course, but I would just like to say that I have it worst of all with the milk:
Milk here is stored on the shelves (ie. NOT IN THE FRIDGE), and none of it has percentages on it... just 'partly skimmed'. And it's all much sweeter than home.
I love milk, but I can only stand to have it in my cereal here. So I eat a lot of cereal. Sniff.
Yes Gallant, you win for worst Milk situation. I'd send you some ADL if I could. Single tear.
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