Pick it Up, Put it in the Bag, Boop Boop

This may have been one of my most proudest accomplishments to date. I am by no means cuisinely inclined so this is a large deal. Yesterday I created this cake to celebrate Earth Day, and to have a dessert for my BBQ fiesta I hosted last evening at my house. I am very proud of my cake as I think it looks a lot like the earth. I even put Japan on there. It's lucky the cake lasted as long as it did, however there was a very close call. As people entered my house, with me being giddy and perhaps slightly intoxicated, I would run over with the cake to show them my creation and explain to them how it is kind of a play on words (a pun, if you will) that Happy Earth Day is like saying Happy Birthday. Just without the B. And the I. And with an E and A instead. SO, as I was carrying the cake, it slipped off the plate. And because of Sir Isaac Newton, we all know that a piece of bread will always land on the peanut buttered side, so in slow motion I watched my cake fall to its tragic death. All of the sudden, like a cowboy in the sunset, Nick Blanchard magically appeared ( well I mean, he was actually at the house and it wasn't like he was a wizard and just POOF he was there) and reached out his hand and caught the cake just barely inches away from the floor. I had never seen anything like it. Thank you Nick. So the near cake death experience was a good indicator that it was time to eat it. Despite Nick's hand print embedded on the cake, everyone enjoyed the cake so much that there are no left overs.
The whole evening was a smash. Even though it was a little chilly out, there were games of soccer, frisbee, catch, round-off competitions (Fleming.you,me,gymnastics.Vancouver 2010) and hackey sack all being played. Sing alongs in the living room with Ian on guitar and Joel on the bongos, and a lemon meringue pie throwing contest. At my face. SO thanks to all that came and brought food, it tasted lovely. We'll do it again when its warmer. I'll whip out the sprinkler and the Slip-and-Slide
If y'all want to see some pics from last night's charades, click HERE.