It has been quite a week. A week full of school work and Wave work. After spending most of my week either studying, reading, writing, and working, I wanted to reward myself with a night out. For some reason it feels like it has been forever. Slighty alcoholic? Maybe. But who isn't these days? Right?
I called Tash and we headed out for night of "classiness." We went to her place to get dressed. I was going to borrow one of her long skirts, but it made feel, and look, like one of those christian girls who can only wear long skirts and braid their hair. I put my jeans back on. Tash and I tried to go as twins as we both sported a floral button-up shirt and pants, along with our "earthy" necklaces.
We went to the Gahan house to begin. I once again ordered my lucky 3 rye and gingers, Tash her wine. As Tash is ordering the bartender asks, " Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc?" He pronounced "sauvignon blanc" in a way we both didn't understand (probably real French) and Tash, not knowing what he said, replies hesitantly, "Not Chardonnay?"
We sat along the wall thinking of methods of how to get the extremely drunk boys at the bar to buy us drinks. There was mild flirtage, but nothing I was interested in following up on. We headed to 42nd Street.
We sat there conversing, I with my rye and ginger, and Chris showed up, a little loopy, and ordered me a DOUBLE rye and ginger. And then another. Needless to say, I was a little drunk.
Good times as always with my Gland (Tash). She told me of her European adventures. Leave it to her to end up finding 2 guys named Fabio and travelling with them.
Now onto another week of school work. But only 3 more remain. How crazy is that? And then just one more semester is left of my undergraduate career. Terrifying. I need to get grad pictures. Will Heckbert's force me to wear make-up again? Damn oily face. Maybe I'll show up pre-powdered to spare me the embarassment.